Securely move your business critical and resource intensive workloads to the cloud.

What is IaaS?

Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) is an approach to cloud computing which allows organisations to provision their own operating system, storage and networks provided by the vendor with some control offered. E.g. Hosted Remote Desktop Service.

Cloud Hosting with Cogenesis

Cogenesis specialise in Infrastructure as a Service and operate out of ISO 9001, 27001, PCI-DSS, Tier 4 (highest tier) data centres in Australian capital cities. We offers IaaS cloud solutions for organisations that require a high degree of system reliability on a fully scalable platform that can increase dynamically in size, capacity & speed as the business grows.

Our team of datacentre engineers manage and monitor the infrastructure 24/7 so you don’t have to. They work closely with our project and support specialists to ensure you have access to the best resources available. If you already have an internal IT team our datacentre engineers can work with you to design a scalable and secure cloud solution for your business.

The tools to manage your IaaS Solution (can link to cloud management)

Why IaaS

  • Reliability; core services run on higher quality hardware in the datacentre
  • More flexible and mobile – securely access your data from anywhere
  • Scale and Agility – virtual servers can be added dynamically or even temporarily without hardware purchases
  • Reduces power consumption
  • Improves recovery time in the event of failure
  • Removes large capex expenditure
  • Hosted hardware is continually upgraded – 0 cost infrastructure upgrades
  • Enhanced physical security of server equipment
  • Improved security – know where your data is at all times
  • 24/7 monitoring and alerting
  • Reduces support cost while increasing uptime